Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ready To Go

As I sit here beside my bed, packing the last of my things into an extremely tiny suitcase...I cannot believe it's time. I have always heard that we should be the hands and feet of Jesus, but I don't know that I ever felt closer to that statement than I do now.

I am overflowing with appreciation for all of the support that you have shown me. I could never thank you all enough for helping to make this trip so close to my heart. They told us at the very beginning that sending out letters and talking to people about my trip would be one of the most important parts of my whole mission. Now, I wholeheartedly believe it.

I cannot wait to share all of my amazing stories and pictures with you when I get back. I am ready to go. Goodnight.

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep...

Guard me Jesus through the night
Help me please to do what's right
Open my heart, Lord, to see it all
With you beside me I am standing tall

I want so badly to be your light
Please give me ears to hear and eyes for sight
And show me the way to serve you best
I will pray a lot and leave you the rest

I want to hold a tiny child
And tell my family how she smiled
Show her that she's so much more
Than what this disease has in store

I want to talk to one without hope
And although this life is too much to cope
I'll show him that he's not alone
And someday he'll sit on heaven's throne

I want to tell them they matter to you
And say that you will see them through
I really hope they know these things
That one day they'll mount on eagle's wings

I want to see all things new
And appreciate this life more too
I want my heart to turn towards you
And make you proud when my life is through

If I should die before I wake

I pray the Lord my soul to take....

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