Saturday, July 14, 2007


I think it is important to document my first tramatic experience overseas. Have you ever heard of a rat-kabob? Neither had I, but apparently it is a nice and friendly snack here in Malawi. The Malawians who sell these disgusting things will burn mice out of the ground, stick them on a stick, and feast up! They are sold all over, including on the side of the road. What's worse - one of the kids in our group actually ate one. He said he was having trouble swallowing the hair. Please hold your vomit....

On a lighter note, we picked our cabins. I will, from this point forward, refer to my cabin affectionately as the "Monkey Butt Hut"...because, well...that's what it is. Going on this trip not knowing anyone was surely a challenge for me, but I was so incredibly blessed to become friends with all of these amazing people - especially the girls who stayed in my hut!

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