Sunday, April 8, 2007

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord...plans to give you hope and a will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:11,13

April 8, 2007
Easter Sunday

Dear Family and Friends,

It is amazing to me that I am sitting here writing this letter to you today of all days. But God always has a special sense of timing, doesn’t He? On this day, we celebrate the resurrection - the empty tomb that changed the world forever. I continue to be amazed each and every day by God’s incredible grace and the work He is doing in my life.

In its broadest sense, resurrection is defined as: the act of coming back to life after being dead. Jesus rose from the dead on this day, carrying a promise of new life for those who choose to follow Him. So I wonder, in this short life, what are our own moments of resurrection as believers? I believe that those moments of rebirth are born from the opportunity to do something that will adjust our thoughts and actions, something that will teach us and help us to grow. It is in these very moments when we have an important decision to make: stay safe and comfortable in the life we are currently living, or choose to trust God and learn to follow Jesus.

It is so easy to get caught up in this comfortable life we live. Somewhere along the way, in the midst of day to day activities, we get lost. We search for answers in all the wrong places, and somehow push aside the One who has all the answers. We spend too much time trying to find a perfect, wrinkle-free life. We place so much hope and anticipation in the future that we forget to appreciate today. Keith Urban sings to my heart when he says, “We think about tomorrow, and it slips away. We talk about forever, but we’ve only got today.” Society has polluted us with the idea that “more will bring contentment.” Advertisements show us all of the things that our lives are “missing.” We desire things that ultimately empty us, instead of the one thing that will fill us up.

With that said, when an opportunity presents itself that will provide time to simply pause and reflect on all of the things we forget or take for granted, I believe that it is so important to experience that. A significant opportunity or choice to do this may not always be the easiest or most convenient one. It may stretch you to find time that you thought non-existent, finances that you know you don’t have, and emotional and physical strength you didn’t know was inside of you. But when we stretch ourselves beyond what we can reach, we learn to count on God to provide the resources to accomplish His goals. In doing this, we grow strong in our ability to trust Him in everything.

I am learning how to trust the God of the universe – the One who created me, the One who has been with me since birth, who watched me sleep last night, the One who knows the number of hairs on my head. I am learning to trust that this same wonderful, loving God holds the plans for my life in the palm of His hand. I am learning that my faith in Jesus will determine how I handle the trials, obstacles, and opportunities I will face in this life. I am learning not to look to circumstances for joy, but instead finding joy in Jesus. And, most importantly, I am learning how to be a light to this world. In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”

I am so excited to tell you that I will be going on my first mission trip this summer to Malawi, Africa. I am going to work with the organization Children of the Nations in their effort to raise AIDS’ orphans up to be leaders in Malawi, to equip villages and churches to care for orphans while keeping them in families, and to be a part of the long-term spiritual, social and economic changes that will be necessary to stop the AIDS pandemic in Malawi.

Although financial support will be necessary to fund my trip, prayer support plays an even larger part in my mission. I am writing this letter to you today because you have always shown me love and encouragement, and I would be so grateful for your support in this next big step in my walk with Christ. My greatest hope is that my mission trip to Africa this summer would not only impact the people of Malawi, but that it would also stir something inside of you. Maybe this is the first time you have been exposed to information about the AIDS pandemic in Africa, or maybe you were already aware of the problem. But if by reading this letter and understanding my mission you have gained more information about the situation, then all of my work has not been in vain. If you read the information pages I have included or visited the COTN website, if you took some time to research more information about the AIDS pandemic in Africa, or if you simply take a moment out of your day to pray for me, then my mission has already been a success.

Would you please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I am preparing for this trip? Please pray for our entire group’s safe travel. I will be leaving Orlando on July 13th at 6:00 a.m. and arriving in Lilongwe, Malawi on July 14th at 12:05 p.m. I will be returning to Orlando on July 24th at 12:14 p.m. In Philippians 2:5-7, it is written, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Please pray that I will have an attitude of service and a willingness to be used by God. The ultimate example of loving Jesus well is service to others, and I am going to Malawi to serve as a follower of Jesus Christ. I do not know exactly why God has placed Africa on my heart or what He has in store for me during this mission trip. My goal in this life is not to understand everything, but rather to grow closer to Jesus through everything. After all, Jesus came to teach us how to become what we are not yet. I am so excited to have the opportunity to share my journey with you.

I have enclosed a stamped self-addressed envelope to Summit Church. If you are willing and able to offer me financial support, please return the envelope with whatever amount is on your heart. No donation is too small. Even if you do not send a monetary donation, I would love to have your thoughts and prayers! Please use the section below to write me a message and return it in the stamped envelope. Please also write your email address on the given line so I can send you my travel updates!

Thank you so much for your unconditional love and support.
You will never know how much it means to me.

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