Sunday, July 15, 2007

House of Peace

I have already experienced so many things here in Malawi in less than 24 hours. Last night we boarded the "coasters" after dinner and drove through the African country-side for about half an hour. I enjoyed looking around and taking pictures. We went to the Children of the Nation's "House of Peace" where 32 orphans stay in the care of two amazing parents - who are retired but wanted to commit the rest of their lives to serving the Lord. How incredible is that?

I was greeted by two children who ran to me and wrapped their arms around me. They took me by both hands and led me into their home. To see these children - who have lost everything and gained very little in return - rejoice and smile and praise God for their blessings has hit me in a place I didn't know existed. How can I ever feel discontent in my life? How can I say that I "need" a new Ipod or a new dress or a new car...

Watching these children sing and perform their "welcome" show for us last night - it really hit me that I am in Africa. Their songs were so beautiful - and even though we couldn't understand most of the words we could still understand the message of their voices. "Thank you God...Thank you Jesus." Amen to that...

At the House of Peace, I walked and spoke with a young boy named Peter. He told me that he loves school and church - science and English are his favorite and when he grows up he wants to be a doctor. I prayed that these kids will pursue their dreams.

We think a lot of times that our desires for nice things - large houses filled with fancy things, to travel, to have an exciting job - we believe that these desires are born into us, that they are always with us. But watching these children and talking to Peter really shows me otherwise. These desires are not in us - we create them. Because in these children I don't see any of the worldly desires that I know.

So, what makes us different? The things that we possess or the contentment of our hearts. Beacuse they are so content with so little, yet I find discontent with so much.

I feel guilty.

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